Saturday, 31 May 2014

NO. It's an abstract.

Hectic Life. 

Two words to define my fourth semester. Life ? three words. stressful, dramas and  earning.

Stressful ? 

Being in a second year like being in a form 4. Like always saying its not a honeymoon period to the 5 years married couple. But i'm still fallin' in love with my soulmate and makes everyday like a honeymoon season. So wrong. 

Second year means i HAVE to deal with my proposal for final year project and the lame one is undergo the second industrial training. And until now, this second i still get no place to undergo my LI. Double lame. Then tell me if there are any places that i can ease all the kecelaruan, kekusutan juga keserabutan ini.  

Assignments. No.. No.. I meant assignmentsssssssss. Get them in the last month before the study week come just like "why???" 

Dramas ? 

I'm not a gangster or get involved with the geng kapak merah or geng kucing hitam or geng lu bising i datang or geng lim kit cian. Eh, someone in politic?? But, suprisingly, i get into the misunderstanding situation and i really dont like that really much huge big superb. That's why i always say it is dramas. A matured person would not entertain that kind of joke for sure kan. Or maybe i really deal with a kindergarden children? Oh, dramas. Anyway i really apologize for that. I meant that people.   

Earnings ?

Love. Knowledge. Friends. Activisme. 
I start join the 'bulatan gembira'. Ekstrem tak ekstrem i start called my girlfriends as ukthi. The brothers as akhi. Awkward der but that is ukhuwah. Spending my time as much as i can towards the keberkesanan hidup. Activity that i think not just help me but others insyaAllah. Tiring but i always remind myself with this, You should do too. You have too.

 "Barang siapa meminjami Allah dengan pinjaman yang baik, maka Allah melipatgandakan ganti kepadanya dengan banyak. Allah menahan dan melapangkan (rezeki) dan kepada-Nyalah kamu dikembalikan" [2:254]

Then, i decide to earn because i dont wanna be just like pokok yang bersandar [63:4]  Shame on me. I have a dream. Then i have to work for it. I buy a lots of books. I met someone to refer. The books bring me to know about Constantinople, know deeper about our prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Some of it teach me how to be such annoying sarcastic person but yet teach me to be a good wife and mother. Eh?  
I remember this person questioning us "why you are a muslim? just because your parents are or because you know you are choosen to be a muslim, wordship to Allah and determine to work as you should to being in Jannah?"

And i choose the second one. 
