sometimes bila kita dapat sesuatu kita mesti happy bagai nak rak. sampai nak satu dunia tau we have that awesome thing. sampai siang malam updates status fb pasal benda tu je. sampai call your bestfriend 78 kali sehari nak cerita keterlampaunan kehebatan anda memilikinya dan orang lain tak dapat. #ok ini melampau
but, when it come some limit, you getting bored toward that thing or even the thing is human being just because you aim the other 'thing' that more great, more awesome, more giving you satisfaction and kebanggaan maybe ?
example 1 :
before this you just have a piece of cloth which is very up to date. but once you saw a new outfit came out in 'hijabista' magazine which is i really not agree on how the muslimah fit on their cloth. #sorry hijabista !
then you decide to have it one at least. once you have it, you campak je baju yang actually more covered ketepi sebab its not listed as the outfit that make you look updated when you used it on that time.
example 2 :
you met with someone you believe it is you soulmate, mr right probably, could be suit to be your husband insyaallah and alhamdulillah you all already become hubby and wiffy. #it sound simple cute
but, come to certain time you stuck dengan kupu-kupu mula berterbangan dalam perut just because you start falling in love with someone in facebook, twitter or instagram maybe ?
based on what ? cinta pandang pertama ? oh i see, because its charming's look sampai termimpi-mimpi. he/she sooooo caring, sooo something that i got nothing from my hubby/wiffy right now. then what ? i think i tak bahagia with what i have now.
prof dr muhaya pernah cakap manusia ni lebih hauskan penghargaan dari makanan. #did you realized it happen on youself ?
so that, kita akan selalu ingin dapatkan sesuatu tak kiralah benda ka even human being (perasaan) to satisfied our desire. but sedihnya bila kita diminta untuk memberi, kita macam 'slow' banyak.
nak air milo ais tapi taknak bayar. #banyak cantek
consequences nya by what had you decide to do make you have to ignore apa yang you punya dahulu, just tolak tepi because utiliti terhadap benda tu dah menurun. #terus keluar konsep ekonomi. hamek !
but bila kita tak dapat what we want, kita rebel. should you ? #thinking
believe me, if you get something just to fulfill your desire which is memenuhi keinginan semata. ia bersifat sementara. because it will repeat the same thing for the whole of your life sebab kita bila dah bosan kita akan seeking for something new to what ? to fulfill the desire. fulfill the desire. fulfill the desire.
that is why, when you have something or someone, make it perfect for you. bersyukur sebab anda ada benda tu, memiliki orang tu. maybe i can say it rezeki dari Allah ?
insyaallah, bila kita keep that thing, that feeling lillahitaala.. you make it paradise babe.
"bila anda mencari seorang suami, janganlah cari yang hebat tapi carilah kehebatan yang ada pada suami anda itu"