Friday, 24 February 2012

Ala, sweetnyer. Thank you.

assalamualaikum ..

i don't know la , tapi i really excited towards my birthday . yeah , i know starting for tomorrow i gonna being 20 years old . awesome bebeh ! and i feel so grateful to being alive till this age . but , before that i wanna refreshing some of my birthday's present and others that i felt too memorable for me and i still keep it without care whether it is cheaper or instead of that . so here the things .

high value ni 

1) bingkai gambar yang colour silver tu , aku dapat dari Asmirah Nahrud masa form 5 kalau tak silap la . masa tu aku buat birthday party yang simple2 je and that's from her . tenkiu mira :) . sekarang dah letak gambar aku dengan makcik sorang tu . ntah sapa nama dia . hehe . 

2) bingkai gambar satu lagi yang kat belakang tu dari Warsiah S.Noor Hamid . yes ! aku masih ingat lagi full name dia . syabasey mere bete astie :) suprisingly , dia bagi macam 'secret admire' bagi something kat someone yang dia suka . really guys . time tu aku masuk2 kelas je , ada present kat dalam laci . wondering jugak sapa yang bagi sebab never aspect she is the one . sweet je .  present tu nampak simple tapi ayat kat dalam tu yang meaningful . love it .

3) bear yang tengah duduk tu (actually tatau nak panggil bende tu apa) . btw , tu dari Siti Nuraisyah Amboalang . betul agak nya spelling nama dia ni . tapi tak ingat sangat dia bagi masa birthday yang keberapa . tapi bende tu cute lorh . suke2 . sekarang dah jadi stand untuk my phone , my broadband and also all my pendrive . messy kan ?

4) souvenir depan bingkai silver tu plak dari Amri Mohd Karim . tu bukan birthday present pun cuma gift tanda ingatan je . masa tu dia pergi hot spring sebab ada fieldwork budak2 seni and i ask him to get me something . tapi time tu kidding je . and lastly , he get me that . memorable :)

5) brooch colour merah tu pulak aku dapat dari seorang teman yang  aku being friend sejak tadika lagi . and i got it masa form 6 . kira last year la . eh , lupa plak mo mention nama dia . he is Mohd Azrinsyah Abd Aziz . sebenarnya ada 2 . satu lagi colour coklat . tektik dia nak bagi present pulak macam ni . malam 2-3 hari sebelum birthday ku , dia text tanya aku suka warna apa very randomly . aku pun bagitau tanpa noticed anything pun . and a few days after my birhtday , i get it that . tengs rin :)

6) jam colour merah tu pulak bukan birthday present tapi  present for being 'queen of the night' masa annual dinner last year . queen ka ?? haha . tapi yeah , it's too memorable for me . 

7) jam colour silver yang dekat belakang tu pulak , selipar colour hijau & cicin atas novel tu ( nampak tak ? ) hadiah dari my best girl friend . siapa ka gerangan nya ? kiu music please ... she is Kartina Tading . makcik sorang ni la pemenang bagi calon2 yang setia bagi hadiah kat aku . even a simple one tapi for me , that's not the thing . first present yang dia kasi ialah cincin silver yang sampai hari ni aku masih pakai lagi . last year punya birthday pulak , dia kasih jam silver tu . jam tu la jadi bukti i manage my time to study , to hang out and to do everything . selipar tu pulak hadiah masa dia first time keja lepas spm . sweet kan makcik sorang ni .

8) bally shoes colour cream tu pulak dari my sis . kira tiap birthday , bally shoes jugak la jadi pilihan dia sebab my sis tau aku suka pakai bally shoes . dalam pic kat atas tu yang the latest one la . before ni ada , cuma sarat sangat kalau nak muatkan semua dalam pic tu . 

but sorry for those friends yang aku tak mention dekat sini . jangan kecil hati sayang . memory that i share with you all was more meaningful for me . so , i more tends to the memory that created because things just a symbolism . =)

yeah ! that it .

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Copenhagen denmark, are you kidding me ?

assalamualaikum & noon everyone ..

homaaiii ! serius aku telopong time tengok oprah winfrey punya talk show jap tadi . why ? huh , ni la nak cerciter ni . macam orang nak tau sangat kan ? bajet perasan lagi . forget it . uk , let me explain kelopongan haku jap tadi . half an hour tadi memang aku terdetik jugak la nak berhijrah ke denmark . but now , yeah maybe next time kot .

here the things , copenhagen known as the city that have the happiness people in the earth . really ? do malaysian people are living in suffering ? alo , they have to pay 50% income take apa . what the ...

why they are so happy ? what so special there ? jom siasat ..

1) they got FREE medical treatment . no way ^o^ (tidak adil .. tidak adil bagiku)
2) when you are decide to futher your study , you will get 400-500 dolar as the expenses support 
3) when you are delivery , you can take 6 month to a year break from get over again to work . wow ! so , kalau rasa nak rehat .. nak pergi bercuti .. activate your ovary bebeh . (yes ! i meant it)
4) ni yang buat aku pelik , baby yang still merah lagi . almost 1 month dibiarkan sleep outside their house without feel worry about any escaping . selamat bebenor country durang ni 
5) ni lagi suprising me . even you are a doctor , lawyer or just a middle class people . you will get the SAME salary . what ? are you kidding me ? actually , the objective was just want them to choose their carrier based on their passion on not because of the salary or what . it is also because , even you got high given from your job , the highest income take you have to pay . so , it back to square jugak right ?
6) they more concern on humanity then the religious . gereja kat sana kosong beb !
7) perempuan dekat sana not believe in marriage . really ?
8) their house was so practical . live in the penthouse , yeah penthouse ! but .. it's too small . semua bende cover up by wall . for example , the freezer was totally designed specifically in the wall cabinet . their children's room was on the 'cave' that only enough to getting sleep and there just fix for a bed . 

 almost live in the class like a fish ?

 belive it or not ? that's COPENHAGEN .